• 7 October 2022
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Health benefits of Feet; the most neglected part of our body

Health benefits of Feet; the most neglected part of our body

We all have our idiosyncrasies, quirks, and peculiarities. A lot of us are particular about the way we dress or our living spaces. Even more so, there are people who keep tabs on their diet, vitamins, and other nutrients that the body needs to stay healthy. But not many of us know why the feet should be treated as the most important part of the body. Yes, you read it right! We tend to neglect our feet. Unless we’re going out somewhere or need to wear specific shoes for work or otherwise, we hardly pay attention to them. This is not just a one-off thing; we tend to do it repeatedly and almost every day of the week.

Did you know that the human foot is the most complex part of the body? It has more than 250 bones, tendons, and ligaments and over 20 bones, almost as many as in a chimpanzee’s hand. Even more impressive is that every one of those bones has its special place and function. The toes are especially important because they give us balance, let us run faster, jump higher, and grip things better. Here’s why feet should be treated as the most important part of the body and why you shouldn’t underestimate your feet any further:

Reduce the chances of knee and back problems

As we age, our bones become less dense. Our spines usually start to curve after the age of 30, and this can lead to back pain and knee problems. Your feet also become less dense due to the constant wearing down of their bones. To prevent this from happening, you should regularly massage your feet, wear proper footwear, and exercise your feet. Regular massage will help to boost the amount of blood flow to your foot, which will help the collagen in your skin stay strong and healthy. This will reduce the amount of wrinkling that naturally happens to your skin as you get older. Exercising your feet will help to increase the density of your bones, meaning you are less likely to experience knee and back pain. On top of that, exercising your feet will also help prevent foot pain and plantar fasciitis, a type of inflammation in the sole.

Maintain your balance

The muscles in your feet and lower leg are connected to your spine through a network of nerves and ligaments. If there is a weakness in this network, it could lead to a serious injury, like a slipped disc. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain the strength of your lower legs and feet to prevent a fall and a potential injury. Exercising your feet is the best way to do this. If you want to maintain your balance, you should try exercises like wall squats, heel walks, and the bridge pose. The wall squats and heel walks will help strengthen your calves, which are the muscles in your lower legs that help maintain balance. The bridge pose will help strengthen your glutes, which are responsible for shifting your body’s weight.

A guide to soft, smooth, and flexible feet

Feet often get ignored and neglected. However, you should remember that they are the most crucial part of your body. Therefore, you should treat them with care, just like you would treat any other part of your body. Exfoliating your feet will help to get rid of dead skin and make them soft and smooth. Massaging your feet will help them become flexible and prevent them from becoming stiff. You should do this at least once a week to have soft, smooth, and flexible feet. You can even add a few drops of essential oil to give your feet a relaxing fragrance. If your feet are particularly dry, you can also add a few drops of foot lotion or coconut oil to make your feet softer.

Dry and cracked heels are a big No-No

Your feet spend most of the day in shoes, which is why you need to take care of them properly. If you don’t take care of your feet, you are likely to develop dry and cracked heels. Dry and cracked heels can be extremely painful, so you should do everything you can to prevent this from happening. Exfoliate your feet and apply foot lotion and coconut oil to keep your heels moisturized and soft. You can also use pumice stones to remove dry and cracked skin from your heels. You can also use foot-knee wraps, which are specially designed to treat dry and cracked heels.

Bumps are also known as Corns

Bumps on your feet are a common problem, especially among athletes. If you have been playing sports for a long time, you might have developed corns on your feet. Corns are small lumps that are often caused due to friction in a particular area of the foot. You can treat corns by exfoliating your feet and applying foot lotion and coconut oil. You can also use pumice stones to gently rub away the dead skin from the affected area, especially if the corn is on the top of your foot. You can also use an electric foot file to get rid of dead skin from your feet.

Fixing the cracks with Foot Knee Wraps

Dry and cracked heels are a common problem, especially in the winter. You can treat this problem by using foot knee wraps. These foot-knee wraps are specially designed to treat dry and cracked heels. They are also helpful in reducing swelling. You can use foot-knee wraps once a week to keep your heels moisturized and soft. You should keep the wraps on your feet for at least 30 minutes before removing them. This is one of the best ways to treat dry and cracked heels.


The human foot is a complex part of the body, but it is also one of the most neglected. However, it is important to maintain your feet if you want to reduce the risk of knee and back problems, maintain your balance, have soft, smooth, and flexible feet, and avoid developing dry and cracked heels and corns. You can maintain your feet by exfoliating them, applying foot lotion and coconut oil, and using pumice stones to gently rub away the dead skin from the affected areas. You can also use foot-knee wraps once a week to treat dry and cracked heels.

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