• 10 September 2023
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Why Indians Hold Top Positions in Global Tech Giants

Why Indians Hold Top Positions in Global Tech Giants

As we embark on another enlightening journey through this blog, allow me to introduce myself. I am Nabeel Shaikh, a Chartered Accountant by profession, with a rich tapestry of 17 years woven with experiences in investment banking, management consulting, and startup advisement. Let’s navigate the depths of today’s topic with the expertise and insights I’ve garnered over the years. Onward!

Over the years, the global tech landscape has undeniably witnessed a significant rise in Indian leaders at the helm of major corporations. Starting with Sundar Pichai at Google, moving on to Satya Nadella at Microsoft, and then to Arvind Krishna at IBM, the list of Indians in top positions is truly impressive. So, one might wonder, what factors have contributed to this remarkable phenomenon? To shed light on this, let’s delve deeper into the reasons behind the growing prominence of Indian leaders in the world’s tech giants.

1. Educational Excellence:

  • India has a robust educational system, especially in the fields of engineering and technology. Institutions like the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) are renowned globally for their rigorous curriculum and have produced many of the tech industry’s top leaders.
  • The emphasis on mathematics and science in the Indian education system equips students with analytical and problem-solving skills, which are crucial in the tech industry.

2. Cultural Emphasis on Hard Work and Perseverance:

  • Indian culture places a high value on education, hard work, and perseverance. Many Indian families prioritize academic excellence, leading to a strong foundation from a young age.
  • The competitive nature of the Indian education system, where millions vie for limited seats in prestigious institutions, instills resilience and determination.

3. Adaptability and Global Mindset:

  • Many Indians travel abroad for higher education and work, exposing them to global cultures, work ethics, and business practices. This experience makes them adaptable and gives them a global perspective, which is invaluable in leading multinational corporations.
  • The ability to understand and navigate diverse cultural nuances is a significant advantage in the global business arena.

4. Strong Technical Prowess:

  • The IT boom in India in the late 1990s and early 2000s saw a surge in software engineers and IT professionals. This boom not only provided a platform for many to hone their technical skills but also to understand the global tech landscape, as many Indian IT firms catered to global clients.

5. Leadership and Management Skills:

  • Many Indians in leadership positions have not just technical expertise but also strong management skills. They often have experience managing large teams, given the scale of operations in India.
  • The ability to lead diverse teams, coupled with strategic vision, makes them ideal candidates for top positions in global companies.

6. Entrepreneurial Spirit:

  • India has a rich history of entrepreneurship. This spirit of creating and managing businesses is ingrained in many, leading to innovative thinking and a risk-taking attitude, essential traits for leadership roles in dynamic tech companies.

7. Diverse Experience:

  • Many Indian leaders have worked in various roles and capacities, giving them a holistic view of business operations. This diverse experience is invaluable in decision-making and strategic planning at the top echelons of global corporations.

However, while many Indians have achieved success on foreign shores, a pertinent question arises: Why Many Indians Don’t Serve Their Own Country Directly?

Why Many Indians Don’t Serve Their Own Country Directly?

1. Opportunities Abroad:

  • The allure of international opportunities, especially in countries like the USA, offers exposure to cutting-edge technology, research facilities, and a global work environment. This often attracts Indian talent to explore opportunities outside their homeland.

2. Economic Incentives:

  • Salaries and benefits in countries like the USA, Canada, and parts of Europe are often significantly higher than in India. This economic incentive is a driving factor for many to seek jobs abroad.

3. Quality of Life:

  • In pursuit of a brighter future, many Indians venture abroad. They are often drawn by the allure of a superior quality of life, which encompasses advanced infrastructure, top-notch healthcare, world-class education, and a cleaner environment.

4. Returning Home with Enhanced Skills:

  • Interestingly, while many Indians initially embark on their careers abroad, a noteworthy proportion eventually return to India. After amassing valuable experience, they bring back not only enhanced skills but also a wealth of global exposure and investments. Consequently, these seasoned professionals significantly contribute to India’s growth. They do so by launching businesses, pouring capital into startups, or stepping into pivotal leadership roles within Indian enterprises.

So, what can Businessmen, Students, and Entrepreneurs Learn from these trailblazers?

Lessons for Businessmen, Students, and Entrepreneurs

1. Global Perspective:

  • By adopting a global mindset, individuals can effectively grasp and cater to diverse markets. Consequently, this approach not only broadens their perspective but also ensures that their ventures remain adaptable and scalable.

2. Continuous Learning:

  • In the realm of the tech industry, which is constantly evolving, continuous learning and upskilling become paramount. As a result, they are essential tools to ensure one stays relevant and remains ahead of the curve.

3. Networking:

  • In today’s interconnected world, building strong professional networks is pivotal. By doing so, it can effectively open doors to collaborations, partnerships, and usher in new opportunities.

4. Risk-taking and Innovation:

  • Embracing change, taking calculated risks, and fostering a culture of innovation can lead to breakthroughs in business and technology.

Looking ahead, the Future of Indians in the global arena seems promising. With the current trajectory, Indians are poised to continue being leaders in the global tech industry, driving innovation and technological advancements. As India’s economy grows and the startup ecosystem thrives, many Indians abroad may return, further strengthening India’s position on the global stage.

Future of Indians

1. Leaders in Technology and Innovation:

  • Given the current trajectory, Indians are seemingly poised to maintain their leadership roles in the global tech industry. Consequently, they are set to drive further innovation and spearhead technological advancements.

2. Return of the Diaspora:

  • As India’s economy continues to flourish and the startup ecosystem gains momentum, it’s anticipated that many Indians residing abroad might consider returning. In doing so, they would bring along their acquired skills, capital, and invaluable global connections.

3. Global Influencers:

  • Moving beyond the realm of technology, Indians are increasingly leaving their imprint in diverse fields such as literature, arts, politics, and social entrepreneurship. Given the current momentum, this trend seems set to persist, positioning Indians as prominent global influencers across a range of domains.

4. Strengthening India’s Global Position:

  • The success of Indians abroad enhances India’s soft power, strengthening its position on the global stage. Their achievements highlight the potential of India’s human capital, attracting foreign investments and collaborations. Let’s delve into some case studies to understand the impact of these Indian-origin CEOs on their respective companies:

Case Studies of Companies Led by Indian-Origin CEOs

Google – Sundar Pichai: Before Pichai’s Leadership (2014):

  • Google was primarily known for its search engine and advertising business.
  • Revenue: $66 billion
  • Net Income: $14.4 billion

Under Pichai’s Leadership (2020):

  • Diversification: Google expanded its product offerings, including Google Assistant, Google Home, and further developments in Google Cloud.
  • Android Growth: Pichai, having previously managed the Android division, oversaw its growth to dominate the global smartphone OS market.
  • Alphabet Restructuring: Google underwent a major corporate restructuring to form Alphabet Inc., allowing more autonomy for its various businesses.
  • Revenue: $181.7 billion (an increase of 175%)
  • Net Income: $40.3 billion (an increase of 180%)

Microsoft – Satya Nadella: Before Nadella’s Leadership (2014):

  • Microsoft was struggling with the mobile market and was heavily reliant on its Windows OS and Office suite.
  • Revenue: $86.8 billion
  • Net Income: $22.1 billion

Under Nadella’s Leadership (2020):

  • Shift to Cloud: Nadella prioritized Microsoft’s cloud computing platform, Azure, which now competes head-to-head with Amazon’s AWS.
  • Rejuvenating Windows: Windows 10 was launched, offering regular updates and improvements.
  • Open Source Embrace: Microsoft adopted a more open approach, including the acquisition of GitHub and making .NET open source.
  • Revenue: $143 billion (an increase of 65%)
  • Net Income: $44.3 billion (an increase of 100%)

Adobe – Shantanu Narayen: Before Narayen’s Leadership (2007):

  • Adobe was primarily known for its desktop software products like Photoshop and Acrobat Reader.
  • Revenue: $3.16 billion
  • Net Income: $723 million

Under Narayen’s Leadership (2020):

  • Subscription Model: Adobe transitioned from a traditional software selling model to a cloud-based subscription model with Adobe Creative Cloud.
  • Diverse Product Suite: Adobe expanded its product range with tools like Adobe XD for user experience design.
  • Revenue: $12.87 billion (an increase of 307%)
  • Net Income: $5.2 billion (an increase of 619%)

IBM – Arvind Krishna: Before Krishna’s Leadership (2019):

  • IBM was grappling with declining revenues from its traditional IT services and hardware businesses.
  • Revenue: $77.1 billion
  • Net Income: $9.4 billion

Under Krishna’s Leadership (2020):

  • Focus on Hybrid Cloud and AI: Krishna, having previously headed IBM’s cloud and cognitive software unit, emphasized the importance of hybrid cloud and artificial intelligence.
  • Red Hat Acquisition: Under Krishna’s influence, IBM acquired Red Hat, a major move to bolster its cloud offerings.
  • Reimagining IBM: Krishna has been steering IBM towards a more open, collaborative, and innovative approach.
  • Revenue: $73.6 billion (a decrease of 4.5%, largely attributed to the global pandemic and strategic shifts)
  • Net Income: $5.6 billion (a decrease, reflecting the costs of restructuring and investments in new areas)

a visual representation of the performance metrics of major tech companies before and under the leadership of their indian CEOs:

In today’s interconnected world, leadership in the realm of global business goes beyond merely holding a position; it’s about making a tangible impact. Consequently, the ascent of Indian-origin CEOs in global tech giants stands as more than just a testament to their professional prowess. It’s also a vivid reflection of the deep-rooted values, principles, and lessons they’ve internalized over the years. These trailblazing leaders, armed with a unique fusion of Eastern values and global perspectives, serve as a rich reservoir of insights for budding leaders and professionals. So, let’s delve deeper and explore some of the pivotal leadership lessons we can extract from their distinguished careers:

Leadership Lessons from Indian-Origin CEOs:

1. Embrace Continuous Learning:

  • Lesson: The tech industry is ever-evolving. To stay relevant, one must be committed to continuous learning and upskilling.
  • Example: Satya Nadella often emphasizes the importance of having a “learn-it-all” attitude over a “know-it-all” one.

2. Adaptability is Key:

  • Lesson: In a rapidly changing world, the ability to adapt to new situations, technologies, and challenges is crucial.
  • Example: Sundar Pichai’s journey from managing the Chrome browser to leading Google and then Alphabet showcases his adaptability to diverse roles.

3. Visionary Leadership:

  • Lesson: Having a clear vision and being able to communicate it effectively can inspire teams and drive innovation.
  • Example: Shantanu Narayen transformed Adobe by envisioning a shift from traditional software to a cloud-based subscription model.

4. Embrace Global Perspectives:

  • Lesson: Exposure to global cultures and markets can provide a broader perspective, essential for leading multinational corporations.
  • Example: Arvind Krishna, having worked in various global roles at IBM, leverages his international experience to steer the company’s global strategy.

5. Value Collaboration and Teamwork:

  • Lesson: No leader achieves success in isolation. Building strong teams and fostering a collaborative environment is essential.
  • Example: Satya Nadella’s collaborative leadership style has been credited with rejuvenating Microsoft’s corporate culture.

6. Take Calculated Risks:

  • Lesson: Innovation often requires taking risks. However, these should be well-thought-out and based on informed decisions.
  • Example: Sundar Pichai championed the development of the Chrome browser at a time when the market was dominated by other players. His calculated risk paid off as Chrome is now the most widely used browser globally.

7. Ethical Leadership:

  • Lesson: Leading with integrity and ensuring that business decisions align with ethical considerations is crucial for long-term success and reputation.
  • Example: All these CEOs have emphasized the importance of ethical considerations in technology, especially in areas like AI and data privacy.

8. Resilience in the Face of Challenges:

  • Lesson: Every journey has its setbacks. Resilience and perseverance can help overcome challenges and turn them into opportunities.
  • Example: Arvind Krishna’s leadership at IBM involves navigating the company through declining revenues and steering it towards new growth areas, showcasing resilience.

9. Networking and Building Relationships:

  • In the realm of professional growth, a vital lesson emerges: building strong professional networks can effectively open doors to collaborations, partnerships, and new opportunities.
  • Example: Shantanu Narayen’s relationships in the tech industry have led to strategic partnerships that benefit Adobe.

10. Stay Grounded:

  • Drawing from experience, one crucial lesson is that despite achieving immense success, it’s essential to remain humble and stay connected to one’s roots
  • Example: Despite leading global tech giants, these CEOs often share anecdotes from their early life in India, emphasizing the values and lessons they’ve carried with them.


The meteoric rise of Indian-origin CEOs in the global tech arena is a testament to the confluence of India’s rigorous educational system, cultural values, and the innate drive for excellence that these leaders embody. Their journeys, marked by unwavering dedication, adaptability, and visionary leadership, offer invaluable insights into the dynamics of leading in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

India’s emphasis on education, particularly in STEM fields, combined with the cultural values of hard work, perseverance, and resilience, has undoubtedly played a pivotal role in shaping these leaders. Their global exposure, coupled with their roots in Indian values, has equipped them with a unique perspective that allows them to bridge diverse cultures and lead multinational teams with aplomb.

Furthermore, the trend of Indian professionals seeking opportunities abroad, only to return with enhanced skills and global perspectives, augments India’s burgeoning tech ecosystem. This cyclical movement not only benefits the individuals but also enriches the Indian tech industry, making it a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship.

However, the stories of these CEOs are not just tales of individual success. They are emblematic of a larger narrative of India’s potential on the global stage. As these leaders continue to shape the future of technology and innovation, they also underscore the importance of ethical leadership, continuous learning, and staying grounded.

In essence, the journeys of these Indian-origin CEOs serve as a beacon of inspiration for budding leaders, entrepreneurs, and professionals worldwide. Their successes underscore the universal truth that with the right blend of education, values, and vision, one can transcend boundaries and make a lasting impact on the global stage. As we look to the future, it is evident that the influence of Indian-origin leaders will continue to grow, further solidifying India’s position as a powerhouse in the global tech industry.

Thanks for reading!

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